EAT THE BAY SELL THE COW is on sale now!
You can buy my new book of poetry, collage, and comic strips here!
EAT THE BABY SELL THE COW collects 10 years worth of work including almost all of my GORCH comic strips, a selection of re-edited early poems, piles of collages, and a lot of previously unpublished writing. I tend to work in a lot of different mediums, but everything I make is connected, and now a lot of it all sits together in one affordable book.
DOGHEAD SUNSET #2 is coming soon!
Vesuvius has a disturbing revelation in the pits of Hell, Andy wanders into a bookstore looking for clues, and the nefarious General Dismay skulks around Italy with mysterious intent! 28 pages! Black and White! $4! Due out July 18!
Doghead Sunset is a new limited series (currently planning on doing 6 issues) that follows Andy Sham, a young reporter who has spent the majority of his career chronicling the exploits of Vesuvius, a legendary superhero. But now, Vesuvius is on a new adventure in Hell, looking for a foe worthy of his great strength and hoping to finally rid the universe of evil. In his superfriend’s absence, Andy heads to Italy to interview reclusive crime-fiction author JG Reed, but before they have a chance to chat, Andy finds himself embroiled in a real-life murder mystery!!! 24 pgs. Black and White. $4! Due out on May 3.
Here’s my pitch: If you like superhero comics, you know $4 to Disney or Warner Bros will get you a 19-page comic, made by an assembly line of creators, printed on cheap paper, and then, you’ve gotta hope it sells well enough to justify subsequent issues, that your local shop orders enough, or that the book stays in print. Some indie publishers even try to treat the scarcity and inconvenience like it’s a perk in an attempt to pander to speculators. I’m offering you a longer comic, told with a singular style, and printed on high-quality paper. I’ll be printing these issues in small runs to limit my financial risk, but that means it will be easy for me to reprint issues as needed, so you’ll never have to wait long to track down an issue. That said, if you want to get every issue early, you can subscribe to my Patreon.
I’ve been planning this series for over a year, and I can’t wait to start sharing it with everyone.
My brother, Nick, and I made a comic!
MACHINE DETECTIVE: A Friendly Wager is a 60-page black-and-white murder-mystery comedy set in an absurd dystopia!
Copies are going fast!
Get ‘em while you can!
Birds! is a field guide to imaginary birds. 20 pages, black and white, with a full-color cover. For just $5. Available Here
THE FUTURE IS AN OPEN MOUTH is available here!
52 pages of weird scifi goodness set in Slop City in the year 2695. Tensions rise as three criminals prepare for the heist of a lifetime.
The Second issue of The Marvelous Munchausen is out now!!!! 28 pages of Madcap Munchausen Misadventure! In this issue, Redward Breach tells Munchausen the story of his favorite shipwreck. Super limited edition. just 10 bucks!
GORCHVERSE Zine #1 is available now! 24 pages of comic strips and art! Available Here!
32 pages of full color Munchauseny Madness available here!
Starting in January 2021, I’ll be doing a weekly GORCHVERSE comic strip on my Patreon.
JUST A TOWN NOT A HOUSE! New zine with a short comic and a short prose story! Get ‘em here while supplies last!